26 Prayers for the Departed and Dearly Missed


Health workers all over the world are severely pressed right now and will be suffering much loss and untimely deaths. It will never get easy and we wish we could share in your burden.

The below are prayers you can say if you wish to pray for your departed patients. As much as you can, release your grief and give it up to the powers that be so you can face every brand new day.

As much as we pray for the living, we pray for you, our precious nurses and doctors even more.

Prayers for the Departed

For the Recently Deceased

In your hands, O Lord,
we humbly entrust our brothers and sisters.
In this life you embraced them with your tender love;
deliver them now from every evil
and bid them eternal rest.

The old order has passed away:
welcome them into paradise,
where there will be no sorrow, no weeping or pain,
but fullness of peace and joy
with your Son and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever.


prayer for the recently deceased

Prayers for the Deceased

My brother (sister) in faith, I entrust you to God Who created you.
May you return to the One Who formed you from the dust of this earth.
May Mary, the angels, and all the saints come to meet you as you go forth from this life.
May Christ Who was crucified for you bring you freedom and peace.
May Christ, the Son of God, Who died for you take you into His kingdom.
May Christ, the Good Shepherd, give you a place within His flock.
May He forgive your sins and keep you among His people.
May you see your Redeemer face to face and enjoy the sight of God forever. Amen.

prayers for the deceased

Prayer for the Departed

Almighty and eternal God,
from whose love in Christ we cannot be parted,
either by death or life:
hear our prayers and thanksgivings
for all whom we remember this day;
fulfil in them the purpose of your love;
and bring us all, with them, to your eternal joy;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

prayer for the departed

Prayer for Our Dearly Departed

God our Father,
Your power brings us to birth,
Your providence guides our lives,
and by Your command we return to dust.
Lord, those who die still live in Your presence,
their lives change but do not end.
I pray in hope for my family,
relatives and friends,
and for all the dead known to You alone.
In company with Christ,
Who died and now lives,
may they rejoice in Your kingdom,
where all our tears are wiped away.
Unite us together again in one family,
to sing Your praise forever and ever.

prayer for our dearly departed

Prayer for a Deceased Friend

I commend you, my dear [name] to almighty God, and entrust you to your Creator.
May you rest in the arms of the Lord who formed you from the dust of the earth.
May holy Mary, the angels, and all the saints welcome you now that you have gone forth from this life.
May Christ who was crucified for you, bring you freedom and peace.
May Christ who died for you admit you into his garden of paradise.
May Christ, the true Shepherd, embrace you as one of his flock.
May he forgive all your sins and set you among those he has chosen.
May you see your Redeemer face to face and enjoy the vision of God, forever.

prayer for a deceased friend

Prayer for Mercy for our Dearly Departed

Our heavenly father, we pray that You will find mercy on the soul of our loved one. We pray that with his unexpected death, his soul may find peace that he has lived a good life and did his best serving his family, workplace and loved ones while he was on earth. We also earnestly seek for the forgiveness of all his sins and all of his shortcomings. May he find assurance that his family will remain strong and steadfast in serving the Lord as he moves forward in his journey to eternal life with Christ, his Lord and Savior. Dear Father, take His soul into Your kingdom and let perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace. Amen.

prayer for mercy for our dearly departed

Prayers for Forgiveness and Peace

Lord Jesus, our Redeemer, You willingly gave Yourself up to death so that all people might be saved and pass from death into a new life. Listen to our prayers; look with love on Your people who mourn and pray for their dead brother/sister.

Lord Jesus, You alone are holy and compassionate; forgive our brother/sister his/her sins.
By dying You opened the gates of life for those who believe in You; do not let Your brother/sister be parted from You, but by Your glorious power give him/her light, joy, and peace in heaven where You live for ever and ever. Amen.

prayers for the deceased for forgiveness and peace and for mourners

Prayer for the Souls in Purgatory

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

prayer for the souls in purgatory

Prayer for the Soul of a Loved One

Lord God, as inevitable as death is, there is no way around the heartbreak and grief it brings. The only comfort left is knowing that our Cherished One is with You now in Heaven with a full heart and an eternal soul. This we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

prayer for the soul of a loved one

Prayer for Deceased Relatives and Friends

Almighty Father, source of forgiveness and salvation, grant that our relatives and friends who have passed from this life may, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all the saints, come to share your Eternal happiness through Christ our Lord. Amen.

prayer for deceased relatives and friends

Prayer for Deceased Parents

O God, Who has commanded us
to honor our father and mother,
have compassion in Thy mercy,
on the souls of my father and mother;
forgive them their sins,
and grant that I may see them
in the joy of eternal brightness.
Through Christ our Lord.


prayer for deceased parents

Prayer After Violent Death

Father, we bring before You those that have had the devastating experience of having someone close to them that they know and love, suffer a sudden, violent and needless death. Lord how we grieve for those that are having to experience this right now, and we pray that in Your grace You would look down with pity and mercy and meet them right at their point of need.

Lord, You are the one Who was sent to heal the broken-hearted and comfort those that mourn and are heavy-laden. You are the One Who promised that Your grace is sufficient for every eventuality – even for those having to face the sudden and violent death of someone close to them. Draw near to them we pray and lift them up into You arms of love and carry them during this time of suffering and grief for You have promised that underneath are Your everlasting arms.

Lord, as we lift up in prayer those that are having to come to terms with the sudden and violent death of a loved one – we pray that You would use this tragedy to be the thing that starts to draw each suffering soul into the tender arms of their Saviour – the Lord Jesus Christ, in Whose name we pray,


prayer after violent death

Prayer After Unexpected Death

Heavenly Father, we come to you at this time of harrowing shock and grief. A dear loved one has been taken from us, so suddenly and so unexpectedly. We are lost for words – our hearts broken, our spirits shattered – a sorrow that only grows with each passing day as we long for our loved one’s presence in our lives.

With our heavy hearts we turn to you for comfort and for your everlasting love. Lighten our darkness, dear Lord. Help us see You in all Your glory and compassion so we are blessed with the understanding of Your will. In this time of immeasurable grief, we pray for strength and encouragement.

Our faith in you, Lord God, is what keeps us standing. You give us life, you give us sunshine, you give us the propensity for love, and that is more than enough. At a distressing time like this, we are also reminded of the frailty of life, our fleeting place in this world. We pray that you guide us to be wiser, to be kinder, and to be more appreciative of whatever time we have left.

We know, Almighty Father, that there is no sudden death in Your divine splendor. Our loved one is now at peace in Heaven, surrounded by radiance and infinite love. May we live beautifully from this day forward and use us, to give solace to others who may experience similar times of great loss and devastation. In Jesus’ name we pray,


prayer after unexpected death

Prayer for Eternal Life for the Faithful Departed

O Lord, your sorrowing Mother stood by your cross; help us in our sorrows to share your sufferings.

Like the seed buried in the ground, you have produced the harvest of eternal life for us; make us always dead to sin and alive to God.

Shepherd of all, in death you remained hidden from the world; teach us to love our hidden spiritual life with you and the Father.

In your role as the new Adam, you went down among the dead to release all the just there since the beginning; grant that all who are dead in sin may hear your voice and rise to new life.

Son of the living God, you have allowed us through baptism to be buried with you; grant that we may also rise with you in baptism and walk in newness of life. Amen.

for the faithful departed prayer for eternal life

Prayers for Family and Friends of the Deceased

Prayer for the Departed’s Family and Friends

Lord, Our Saviour. We ask you to guide the deceased’s family and friends. Help them to recover from the pain of loss. Through their faith in you, may they accept your will. And with a strong heart be able to go on with their daily lives eventually. Amen.

prayer for family and friends of the deceased

Prayer for Those Who Have Lost Their Loved Ones

O God, we grieve for those that are experiencing devastating loss of their loved-ones. Send down your holy spirit and touch their lives. Please comfort and heal their heavy hearts. Make their faith strong through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Prayer for those who have lost their loved ones

Prayer for the Loved Ones of the Deceased

Lord, have mercy
on those who mourn
who feel numb and crushed
and are filled with the pain of grief,
whose strength has given up
You know all our sighing and longings:
be near to us and teach us to fix our hope on you
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

prayer for the loved ones of the departed

Prayer for Those Left Behind

In the passing of a loved one, those who most suffer are the ones who are left behind.
After giving them the grace of mourning,
may you gift them with the peace and love
of acceptance and comfort.
May a fresh and renewing breeze flow into
the cracks of their hearts and mend their anguish.
May the light of the Holy Spirit lull them into serenity that their loved ones are safe and at peace in your Eternal Garden.

prayer for those left behind

Prayer for Comfort in a Time of Loss

May you be held by the God of compassion
as you remember your loved ones today.
May God be with you in your sorrow,
and comfort you in your loss.
May your God, your family and your friends,
give you strength and confidence.
May your spirit be lifted, may your heart be filled with peace,
and may the light of God’s promise fill you with joy and hope.

prayer for comfort in a time of loss

Prayer for Comfort and Acceptance

Lord God, even though we’re grieving for the loss of our dearly beloved, we have faith that in time, there will be clarity, gratitude, and continuous love. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

prayer for comfort and acceptance

Prayer for Comfort and Hope

Our dear loved one is gone now from this earthly dwelling,
and has left behind those who mourn his/her absence.
Grant that we may hold his/her memory dear,
never bitter for what we have lost
nor in regret for the past,
but always in hope of the eternal Kingdom
where you will bring us together again.
Through Christ our Lord.

prayer for comfort and hope

Short Prayer for Comfort

May the love of God and the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ
bless and console us
and gently wipe every tear from our eyes:
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

short prayer for comfort

Prayer for Peace and Acceptance

Almighty and Everlasting God, losing someone you love so much suddenly is very hard. As we go through this season of mourning heavenly Father, we ask you to give us the peace that surpasses all understanding. Father, we rest knowing that your faithful servant is rejoicing in your kingdom. We thank you and magnify your name for loving them so much that you saw it fit to take them back home where we truly belong. In Jesus’ holy name, we pray. Amen.

prayer for peace and acceptance

Prayer for Courage

Lord of life and love,
as we give thanks for times past,
grant us courage to embrace the present
and grace to share the future.
In memory of loved ones dear,
kindle their flame to shine in the dark
and light the path ahead.
Show the way that leads to life
as we cherish days gone by
and inspire us with the touch of love
that faith and hope live on.

prayer for courage

Prayer for Strength and Mercy

Lord God above, we, Your humble children kneel before you today in reverence.
We know You’re the greatest and You’re the king of all kings.
So, we pray You uplift our heart and soul so that we may cast away our sorrows oh Lord.
Give us the strength to surpass this situation.
No one dies without Your say-so and thus,
we rejoice over this triumph and we pray
You be with our deceased brother/sister. We thank you for the answered prayer and in Jesus name,

prayer for strength and mercy

Prayers for Mourners

Lord God,
you are attentive to the voice
of our pleading.
Let us find in your Son
comfort in our sadness,
certainty in our doubt,
and courage to live through this hour.
Make our faith strong
through Christ our Lord.

prayers for mourners

See Also: 10 Inspiring Songs To Help With Grief 

Share these beautiful prayers to friends or family who need them.